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    Website Audit

    Avoid Lawsuits.
    Get compliant, not a complaint.

    What is Accessibility

    Due to the increased internet usage, many countries have incorporated web accessibility into existing civil rights legislation that protects people with disabilities or created new ones.

    Mitigate Legal Risk

    Mitigate the risk of lawsuits by complying with accessibility legislation.  Plus showing that accessibility is important to you will enhance your reputation.

    ADA Requirements

    All websites that serve the public, receive government grants, or have 15 or more employees are required to follow level AA ADA Guidelines.

    Legal Consequences 

    With exponential growth in web accessibility, legal actions have a widespread effect across industries, with small and medium businesses in the center.

    Legislation Latest Law

    In 2018, the DOJ clarified that websites are considered places of public accommodation and must comply with ADA Title III. In 2022, the DOJ reaffirmed it and recommended WCAG 2.1 AA as the best practice.

    Certification Badge

    We will place an ADA badge on your website to verify your compliance. We also customize this to match your brand.